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0100 - Staffing Guidelines

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  1. The Minister responsible for the Public Service Act has the exclusive right and authority to appoint persons to positions in the Public Service.  Appointments to positions in the Public Service will be based on merit and selection decisions will be fair, transparent, equitable and will comply with all relevant policies and guidelines.  This contributes to a Public Service that is skilled and representative of people it serves.
  2. The Minister responsible for the Public Service Act delegates staffing authorities to Deputy Heads to the maximum extent possible to assist them to meet their operational objectives and to respond efficiently and effectively to increasing and changing demands.


  1. The Staffing Guidelines apply to the Government of the Northwest Territories’ Departments and Agencies, except the Northwest Territories Power Corporation.


  1. “Deputy head” means,
    1. In relation to a department, the Deputy Minister of that department, and
    2. In relation to any other portion of the public service, the chief executive officer of that portion or, if there is no chief executive officer, such person as the Minister may designate as deputy head for the purposes of the Public Service Act.
  2. “Government” means Government of the Northwest Territories.
  3. “Public Service” means the Government of the Northwest Territories as defined by the Public Service Act.


  1. The Staffing Guidelines provide Hiring Managers and Human Resources Representatives with procedures to ensure that appointments are made in a manner consistent with the Public Service Act and the goals of the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT).  Each section follows a standard format and includes any related staffing support information and administrative procedures.
  2. Recruitment and selection practices will also be carried out in a manner that is consistent with other territorial and federal legislation including the Financial Administration Act, the Official Languages Act, the NWT Human Rights Act, the Education Act, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  3. The Department of Finance shall provide clarification and interpretation of the Staffing Guidelines. Rulings and advice concerning the Staffing Guidelines will be documented and communicated to client services staff on a regular basis. 


  1. The Staffing Guidelines and administrative procedures shall be maintained by the Department of Finance. Questions regarding the application or interpretation of these guidelines may be directed to:

    Director, Management and Recruitment Services
    Department of Finance, Government of the Northwest Territories
    Box 1320
    Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9
    Phone: (867) 767-9154   Fax: (867) 873-0235


Authorities and References

Public Service Act

  • Section 4, Delegation of authority
  • Section 16, Ministerial power to appoint
  • Section 17, Appointments by Competition
  • Section 19.(1), Qualifications
  • Section 19.(2), Discrimination

Affirmative Action Policy

NWT Human Rights Act

  • Section 8.(1), Employment Applications and Advertisements
  • Section 8.(2), Bona fide Occupational Requirement
  • Section 8.(3), Duty to Accommodate
  • Section 67 Affirmative Action Programs 

Financial Administration Act

Education Act

  • Part II Education Staff

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

  • Section 6.(4), Affirmative Action Programs
  • Section 15.(2), Affirmative Action Programs

Official Languages Act

  • Section 8 Instruments directed to public
