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Appendix A8 – Apprentices

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A8.01(1)The following are agreed upon terms and conditions of employment for employees engaged as Apprentices by the Employer:
  (a)The Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupations Certification Act and pursuant Regulations shall apply to all apprentices employed by the Employer.  A copy of the current Regulations shall be supplied to the apprentice upon appointment.
  (b)The recognized Apprenticeship Training Programs shall be those listed in the "Apprentice Training Schedule" pursuant to the Apprenticeship, Trade and Occupations Certification Act.
  (c)Pay increases shall not be automatic but will be based upon levels of certification issued by the Apprentices Branch and shall be effective from the date of certification.

Apprentice rates will be based on a percentage of step one of the appropriate pay rate as follows:

Four Year Training Programs
Year 1            60%
Year 2            70%
Year 3            80%
Year 4            90%

Three Year Training Programs
Year 1            70%
Year 2            80%
Year 3            90%

Two Year Training Programs
Year 1            80%
Year 2            90%

One Year Training Programs
Year 1            90%

  (e)The Employer will pay the Apprentice while attending trade courses in accordance with the Employer's policy regarding financial support while in trade training.
  (f)Subject to the Public Service Act and Regulations, and the pay restrictions noted above, Apprentices shall be entitled to the benefits and terms and conditions of employment outlined in the current Collective Agreement.
  (g)Where an Apprentice fails after two attempts to successfully complete a trade training course, a recommendation may be made to the Superintendent of Apprenticeship Training to cancel his/her contract and the Apprentice may be terminated.
 (2)Apprentices successfully completing their Apprenticeship will be given preference in hiring on job vacancies.  Where an Apprentice, after completing his/her apprenticeship, is hired directly into a job vacancy, all time spent as an Apprentice shall count towards continuous employment with the Government of the Northwest Territories.