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Sick Leave

Unfortunately, down time due to illness or injury is one of life’s certainties. Thankfully there are provisions in place so you can properly recover and get back into the swing of things.

Short Term Sick Leave

Entitlements for employees are contained in collective agreements and employee handbooks including:

Collective Agreement with the UNW - Article 20 - Sick Leave

Collective Agreement with the NWTTA - Article 14 - Sick Leave

Excluded Employees’ Handbook - Sick Leave

Senior Managers’ Handbook - Sick Leave

Did you know...if you are sick and unable to report to work longer than five days, in addition to talking with your supervisor, it is recommended to contact Benefits. The Benefits Specialists are available to discuss your situation and let you know if there are any impacts to your benefits. Taking this proactive step can help ensure you know your entitlements, save precious time, and enable the Benefits Specialists help you better. 

Contact the HRHelpDesk to reach a Benefits Specialist in your Region.