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Mandatory Leave

NOTE: 2024 dates for Mandatory Leave are:
  • Dec 23
  • Dec 24
  • Dec 27
  • Dec 30
  • Dec 31

Mandatory Leave With Pay (MLWP) is leave that employees are required to take. "Non-Continuous" employees are required to take this leave during the Christmas and New Year Season. "Continuous" employees can take this leave at any point in the fiscal year, during their term of employment, by arrangement with their supervisor.

Here are some frequently asked questions about Mandatory Leave:

Will I get paid for Mandatory Leave days?


What is the difference between “non-continuous” and “continuous” employees?

Non-continuous refers to employees that do not have operational requirements to be at work over the shut-down period. Continuous employees are employees in positions or who are assigned to work in operations that must remain open during the shut-down period and are required to work during that period.

If you are unsure if you are a non-continuous or continuous employee, please ask your supervisor.

Do I have to enter mandatory leave days in my timesheet for approval?

Employees in non-continuous positions (i.e. positions in the government that are not required to provide service between December 23, 2024 and December 31, 2024) and are exception time reporters who are scheduled to work Monday to Friday, no longer need to enter mandatory leave in PeopleSoft HRIS . These hours will be scheduled and paid to you the same as regular pay.

Mandatory Leave dates for non-continuous exception time reporters will be December 23, 24, 27, 30, and 31, 2024.

NOTE:  Teachers and school year employees do not enter this time.

Employees in continuous positions and work an alternate schedule (rotating irregular) and are positive time reporters will still be required to enter their mandatory leave in PeopleSoft HRIS, when used throughout the year.

How to enter Mandatory Leave Days

  1. Bring up your Timesheet in PeopleSoft Self Service.
  2. On the day you take as mandatory leave, enter your normal working hours (7.5 or 8.0 for most full time employees).
  3. Choose code “Mandatory Leave With Pay” L09 (only the code appropriate to your position will appear).
  4. Double check your entries.
  5. Click “Submit.”

If you have already manually entered your Mandatory Leave days and they are incorrect, you are able to go to your timesheet to correct the days and re-submit.

How to Calculate Mandatory Leave with Pay in HRIS

Click this link to download detailed instructions on calculating Mandatory Leave with Pay in HRIS

What if I am put on “standby” over the Christmas break?

If your supervisor requests you be put on standby, you will receive standby pay. If you are called into work for some reason, you will receive callback pay. Enter the applicable code and hours you worked in the Self Service system.

What if I am called into work over the Christmas break?

If your supervisor requests you to come to work, you will be paid the applicable overtime rate. However, unless your supervisor requests you to work, you should not be working during the Christmas break. If you do not have supervisor approval to work overtime, you will not be eligible for paid overtime.

What are my responsibilities as a Time Approver?

You are responsible to ensure your employees' time is entered correctly and approved. You are able to enter and approve time for employees who are away, and can go back up to two pay periods to change leave entries.

How can I review mandatory leave taken for my employees?

On the "Leave Details and Employee Information Link", there is a tab for Mandatory Leave Taken. It includes all fiscal year mandatory leave entered for the employee.

Where do I get more information?

HR Helpdesk Telephone: 1-867-678-6625 Toll free: 1-866-475-8162 Email: