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Organizational Charts

GNWT Leadership Development Program

What is an Organizational Chart?

An organizational chart, or “org chart”, is a visual representation of the structure of an organization. It provides a basis for determining a position’s role within an organization, and confirms the reporting relationship stated in the job description. It also provides information about other jobs that work in conjunction with the job that is being described.

Contact the Job Evaluation & Organizational Design (JE&OD) unit at  or your HR Client Service team to obtain the current organizational chart for the position(s) that report to you.


How do I make updates to the Organizational Chart?

An organizational chart is a visual representation of the reporting relationships identified in an organization’s various job descriptions.

Updates to an organizational chart are made through updates to the appropriate job description(s). Your Deputy Head (or official Delegate according to Departmental Delegation of Authority) reviews and signs the updated job description(s) and proposed organizational chart(s) to indicate approval of the reporting relationships.

Once approved, updated job descriptions are submitted to the Job Evaluation & Organizational Design Unit for review, as per the job evaluation process.

Once the job evaluation process is complete, the applicable changes are made in the Human Resources Information System, and those changes will be reflected in the next update of the organizational charts actioned by the Department of Finance.