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General Information

GNWT Leadership Development Program

The Department of Human Resources was created in April 2005 as part of a Government initiative to provide more efficient and consistent service to clients by amalgamating all Human Resource services into one Department.

The Department consists of six divisions and the two regions:


Led by the Deputy Minister, the Directorate reports directly to the Minister of Human Resources. This division is responsible for the overall direction and evaluation of programs and services provided by the department.

Management and Recruitment Services **

Responsible for “front-line” human resource services in Yellowknife, North Slave and Tlicho. Management and Recruitment Services provides recruitment, labour relations support, employee development and related support for Departmental managers.

Corporate Human Resources

Responsible for job evaluation and leading the implementation of 20/20: A Brilliant North, NWT Public Service Strategic Plan. Corporate Human Resources is develops and implements government-wide human resource management programs.

Human Resource Strategy and Policy

Responsible for the development and review of government-wide human resource management strategies, legislation, policies, guidelines, practices, and communications. Strategy and Policy provides quality assurance services to ensure that legislation, policies, guidelines and practices are consistently and fairly applied. Research, analysis and reporting is also undertaken and coordinated through this Division.

Employee Services

Employee Services is responsible for providing front-line human resource services in pay, benefits and data management services.

Labour Relations

Labour Relations is responsible for the promotion of sound, harmonious employee relations throughout the GNWT, to advance a unified approach on the resolution of employment disputes. This is achieved through two units: Advice and Adjudication; and Accommodations Bargaining and Investments.

Regional Service Centres

Northern and Southern Regional Service Centres are located in various communities to serve regional staff with human resource needs.

**  Key Human Resource contacts for all managers:

Always contact your Human Resource Representative if you have any questions